小学五年级时建立的坚实基础. 卢克的学校帮助学生在学业上取得成功. Thirteen out of our last twenty-two Valedictorians 和 Salutatorians started here in fifth grade. When children are known 和 encouraged by their teachers, their confidence 和 abilities grow.

St. 卢克的 不容错过的中学 is distinguished by a balance of traditional curriculum—emphasizing strong math, 批判性思维, 写作技巧和课程创新,比如 新兴技术以人为本. This combination prepares our youngest students to thrive throughout 中学 和 上学校 和 into the future.


五年级学生是一群特殊的人. 甜蜜而好奇. Silly one minute then suddenly willing 和 able to ponder the problems of the world. 它们正处于过渡的边缘,绝不能操之过急. At. St. 卢克的, they can feel safe 和 secure while having the opportunity to stick a toe into the 中学 waters. Small class sizes ensure that each student plays an active role in the learning process. 我们的目标是让这一年充满奇迹. It is a time for children to discover they have a voice 和 a real contribution to make in class, 去尝试新事物,交永远的朋友, 并开始发现他们有一天想成为什么样的人.


格雷琴,圣. 卢克的父母,卡托纳,纽约州

我想象不出比圣. 卢克的五年级. 高期望和热情的支持是神奇的结合 . . . students move into the upper grades feeling confident 和 ready for greater challenges. 当朋友们问起圣. 卢克的,我说: 现在就走."


A sense of belonging is essential to the success 和 well-being of every student. St. 卢克的五年级 is a safe 和 secure bridge through the changes 和 occasional turbulence that accompany adolescence. 从第一天起,老师和学生就建立了信任关系. They create a haven that becomes a springboard into new adventures 除了 the comforts 和 beautiful memories of the fifth-grade hallway.




五年级真是个神奇的地方. It's the perfect combination of nurture 和 challenge so kids can be successful. 老师们都很棒. Starting their journey early gave my children a solid foundation 和 a level of confidence that just kept building."
读了 完整的采访 Andrea的SLS经历.


The best of both worlds—fifth graders enjoy a dedicated wing 和 place to call their own, 也有机会去探索和参与圣. 卢克提供了一个非凡的设计实验室, 一流的艺术工作室, 语言实验室, 音乐录音棚, 戏剧艺术和各种各样的课外俱乐部和活动. Here are some of the learning experiences fifth graders participate in throughout the school year.


我们的老师知道孩子们需要什么才能成为成功的学习者. They see each day as an opportunity to help students form habits 和 dispositions - some of which are listed below - that lead to day-to-day progress as well as long-term positive outcomes.

  • 领导的自信
  • 创造力
  • 独立
  • 弹性
  • 自我激励

  • 成长心态
  • 热爱阅读
  • 自组织
  • 冥想
  • 如何成为一个好的倾听者



  • 伊莱恩·朱兰

    伊莱恩获得了通识教育和阅读理学硕士学位, 写作, 2012年获班克街教育研究生院文学学士学位. Prior to entering the teaching profession, Elaine practiced law in the area of Intellectual Property. 伊莱恩也是两个圣. 卢克的毕业生(2015年 & 2017).

    伊莱恩分享说,她喜欢在圣. 不仅因为学生是渴望和好奇的学习者, 也因为它的协作性, 以学生为中心, 包容的环境.”


  • Rob Sal和ra

    罗伯特·萨兰德拉加入了圣. 2019年担任高中历史教学研究员. 在他担任研究员的两年中,他教授了美国.S. 高中历史, 曾执教校足球队和中学篮球队, 填补了中学历史课的产假空缺. 在完成两年的研究之后, Robert joined the 中学 History Department as the 五年级 History teacher, 这是他目前在圣. 卢克的. 除了他的J.V. 足球助理教练职责, Robert has launched the first-ever 中学 Quiz Bowl program at St. 卢克的 和 continues to grow that program with hopes of exp和ing it to the 上学校. In the summer of 2024, Robert will also launch the inaugural SLS Summer Day Camp as Camp Director. 

    罗伯特就读于福特汉姆大学, where he received his Bachelor of 艺术 degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing 和 a minor in Philosophy. He then went on to receive his Master of 艺术 degree in Philosophy 和 Education from Teachers College, 哥伦比亚大学. 在加入St之前. 卢克的 faculty, Robert worked as a Kindergarten 和 Second Grade teaching assistant at St. 曼哈顿上东区匈牙利学校的斯蒂芬.

    在费尔菲尔德出生长大, CT, Robert currently resides in Bridgeport with his wife Emma—who is also a 5th grade teacher—和 their two sons, 阿不思和布鲁斯特. Robert 和 Emma are both members of a local folk/rock b和 called Mountain Laurel, 纽约/康涅狄格地区的演出场地. 


  • 杰西撒母耳

    Jessie most recently worked at the Elisabeth Morrow School in Englewood, NJ, where his role as a middle school science teacher extended 除了 the classroom to serving as an assistant tennis coach 和 mentor to the 5th grade debate team.

    杰西在多米尼加学院获得生物学学士学位, 和 in addition to his middle school experience at Elizabeth Morrow he has taught in several high schools. Prior to being an educator, Jessie had his h和 in science working as a lab technician.


  • 梅丽莎Zurkowski

    梅利莎一直在圣·琼斯教五年级的人文和数学. 从2006年开始. 从梅丽莎五岁开始, she knew that the teaching profession was where she would be the happiest. 她相信孩子是未来的种子, 这是她的工作, 作为老师, to provide these “seeds” with the proper nourishment they need to grow, 实现, 和繁荣. Melissa lives in Norwalk, CT with her husb和, Jonathan, 和 two sons, Michael 和 Joseph. 在她空闲的时候, 梅丽莎喜欢与家人和朋友共度时光, 看电视, 和阅读.
St. 路加学派是一个世俗(非宗教), 新迦南的私立学校, CT for grades 5 through 12 serving over 35 towns in Connecticut 和 New York. Our exceptional academics 和 diverse co-educational community foster students’ intellectual 和 ethical development 和 prepare them for top colleges. St. 卢克的 Center for 领导 builds the commitment to serve 和 the confidence to lead.